
Because every day needs a little bit of lunch-time luxury...
Served until 16:00.

kr 255,-


kr 215,-

Salad, tomato, red onion, parmesan, croutons

wheat, eggs, milk, lupin, mustard

Husets Schnitzel

kr 275,-

kr 235,-

kr 255,-

kr 245,-

Meals for date nights, celebratory nights and nights with friends. For nights after a busy day at work and for nights where you just really can't be bothered cooking.
We hope to serve you food that, no matter the occasion, will leave you looking forward to the next 'night' before you've finished your last mouthful.

Served from 16:00.

kr 219,-

kr 195,-

Meals for date nights, celebratory nights and nights with friends. For nights after a busy day at work and for nights where you just really can't be bothered cooking.
We hope to serve you food that, no matter the occasion, will leave you looking forward to the next 'night' before you've finished your last mouthful.

Served from 16:00.

kr 255,-


kr 215,-

Salad, tomato, red onion, parmesan, croutons

wheat, eggs, milk, lupin, mustard

Husets Schnitzel

kr 275,-

Grilled beef tenderloin

kr 345,-

Local potatoes, celeriac puré, green beans, kale, red wine sauce

Milk, egg, sulphite

kr 235,-

kr 335,-

kr 265,-

kr 255,-

kr 335,-

kr 245,-

kr 265,-

Meals for date nights, celebratory nights and nights with friends. For nights after a busy day at work and for nights where you just really can't be bothered cooking.
We hope to serve you food that, no matter the occasion, will leave you looking forward to the next 'night' before you've finished your last mouthful.

Served from 16:00.

kr 145

kr. 125,-




Welcome to a homely dining experience!

Walter og Leonard is one of two restaurants in Rødbanken. We are an informal bistro that combines French cuisine with good Norwegian traditions.

For menu, visit our

or contact us at or phone: 990 77 999

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